Non-Fiction Editing For Self-Publishers

What type of editor do you need?

You’ve finished your manuscript, enlisted beta readers, and implemented their feedback.

The next step is to hire a professional editor. But when you search online, you discover there’s more than one type.

What type of editor do you need, and at what stage of the publishing process should you hire one?

This short guide will explain four types of editing for non-fiction writers, and when to consider seeking them.

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Remember This When You Write Your Non-Fiction Book

Woman reading a book about essays

Non-fiction books enable us as readers to expand our minds and enrich our lives.

There’s a book on every topic imaginable, and we have an insatiable appetite for it all. 

This is great news for you as a non-fiction writer because it means you have a unique opportunity to make a positive and meaningful contribution to someone’s life with YOUR words. That’s a thought-provoking opportunity, isn’t it?

Continue reading “Remember This When You Write Your Non-Fiction Book”