The War on Words: Outdated Expressions vs. Modern Clarity

Are overused expressions lurking somewhere in your writing like your favourite well-worn jumper?

You know the one I mean. The one that’s stretched beyond recognition, but you won’t throw it away because it makes you feel snug and warm whenever you wear it.

Non-Fiction Editing For Self-Publishers

What type of editor do you need?

You’ve finished your manuscript, enlisted beta readers, and implemented their feedback.

The next step is to hire a professional editor. But when you search online, you discover there’s more than one type.

What type of editor do you need, and at what stage of the publishing process should you hire one?

This short guide will explain four types of editing for non-fiction writers, and when to consider seeking them.

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How To Bounce Back From Rejection Letters

A waste paper basket with rejected letters

“It is impossible to live without failing at something unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all – in which case, you fail by default.” J. K. Rowling

You spend months researching, writing, editing, then tweaking your book proposal until it positively sings.

The first rejection (“Dear Writer – No thanks”), hurts.

The second stings.

The many letters received after, including the: “Not for us”, “Not a right fit”, “Cannot use at this time” and “This doesn’t thrill me”, positively lacerate your soul.

Continue reading “How To Bounce Back From Rejection Letters”